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drunk guy

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Canada
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was spring break of my freshman year of college, I didn’t have enough money to go anywhere warm, and we were not old enough to drink anywhere. So, a group of six of us ended up going to Winnipeg, Canada for our spring break trip. We go to school at the University of Nebraska, so it was a pretty long trip (a whole day of driving). We arrived safely, and found our way to our hotel the Delta Winnipeg (for anyone who wants to make the same trip). The hotel was awesome, it was in downtown Winnipeg and it had its own pub in the lobby. We spent three nights going to the clubs and just getting drunk. The first two nights two of my buddies got action, but I wasn’t lucky until the third night. The night I was lucky enough to lose my virginity was Sunday night, and most of the clubs in Winnipeg were closed except for a few. We started drinking really early, and I was feeling exceptionally well before we made it to the club. At the club half way through the night I started dancing with this girl, I don’t remember her name, and as luck would have it she was staying in the same hotel as we were. We were dancing and grinding each other on the dance floor having a good time. The whole time we were dancing one of her friends was with one of friends. It was pretty late and we decided to go back to our hotel, since everyone was leaving the club. When we got back to the club we went straight to our rooms. We had two rooms that connected, we had one and the couple took the other. I locked the chain lock so no one could get into the room. We started making out and feeling eachother up. Before I knew it I had her naked. Then she undressed me and started giving me a blow job, I was just about ready to come when my friend tried to open the door to get the other girls coat. I have never seen a girl dive under the covers that fast, that was pretty funny. I told him that she would just take the coat to her when she left. I had no clue what I was doing when I grabbed the condom. She had to help me with that and my aiming. I humped her for maybe 2 minutes, but I didn’t stand a chance at going that long. She was hot and moist, I just couldn’t hold back. After we were done we just laid there and kissed, and then I told her it was my first time she got up and quickly put her clothes on and ran out the door. I didn’t really care because we were leaving the next day. Then I let my friend in the room and he started giving me shit, because the girl wasn’t the best looking girl in the world but I really didn’t care since I was so drunk.

Once and a while I regret doing what I did that night, but sometimes I don’t care. I can’t really give any advice, except be sure you won’t regret it.

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