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Drunken Passion

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: friends living room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It all started 4 days before her birthday. We weren’t going out or anything. We were just really good friends. I knew she wanted me. I could tell she always wanted me. I’m about six foot one and 160 pounds of pure solid muscle. I’m a jock so I’m very well built and strong for my size. Although she wasn’t what one would call hot but I wouldn’t go so far to say ugly. But she has beautiful blue eyes and I’m a sucker for eyes. So back to the story. it was a sunday afternoon I went over to her house to chill out and watch movies. When we were watching the second movie she was snuggled close to me so I thought “what the hell?” and held her hand. Next thing I knew she was sucking on my finger. It was such a turn a turn on especially because she had a toungue ring. I started to kiss her forhead then next thing I knew we were passionatly making out on her couch. I was feel her nice big tits then I decided to rub her clit. Her breathing quickened I was rubbing it for a good three minutes then she buried her head into my chest and let off a soft moan. She did this because her sister and her sisters to friends were in the room. After she came we made out and she said “on the car ride home”. On the car ride home I felt like shit since I just made out with practically my best friend and I was all confused so when we pulled up to my driveway and I just said thanx for the ride and ran in my house before anything could happen. The next day we had a chat and decided not to ruin our friendship with something like that which was a great releif cause I didn’t realy want a relationship with her. Two days later it was her birthday it was at our friends house because her parents were out of town for the week. At the party we were playing some N64 mario tennis and mario cart. me and her were both sitting on a couch playin and drinking every time we lost we had to take a shot. When everyone was good and drunk we stopped playing. She and I just stayed on the couch and watched the demo of marion tennis. next thing I know we were holding hands again and making out againshe started to suck my tougue which was quite pleasant and I was rubbing her tits. I went to go down her pants again but she said “no everyone is around and they could see”All of a sudden my other friends steal her booze so we get up and follow them to the other side of the room which was near the fire. there was a nice leather couch there which was very accomadating. After we take her booze back we start making out I started to kiss her neck. A hint for guys if you want to hear a chich moan kiss the neck. Finally she let me finger her since I was on top of her no one could see. She undid my pants and started to rub my hard cock. Then one of my friend pukes all over the floor. so we take a beif break and settle for kissing. It was about 11:50 at that time and my dad was picking me up at 12:00 so we went upstairs to wait for him so we could hear the door bell. In the living room there was another nice leather couch first thing I did was lay her down and I pulled her pants down to her ankles and started to eat her hairy pussy. Honestly it was a lot more pleasant then I thought it would be. The taste was kinda salty i found it rather pleasant. She started to moan say and pant saying “Oh god” after about a minute of that I moved back up and suck her tits then proceeded to more passionate kissing and finguring her which drove her wild. She pulled my dick out and said put it in. It took me like three tries to get it in her tight virgin pussy she started to moan again but bacause she was so tight it my dick fell so I decide to est her out again. I put my dick back in her pussy with her guiding me. She started to moan. and said “ouch ouch” I asked her if she was alright she just told me to keep going and right when we were getting the hang of it the door bell rang. we both yelled “FUCK!” Then I pulle my pants up and answered the door my said he’d wait in the car and I should just get my things I went back to her we shared a passionate kiss I gave her her present. We kissed a bit more and I was like I really have to leave then we had one last kiss and then I left.

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