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Dying a Virgin?

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: In my parent's car
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Well, I had met her (Kelli) while my friends and I were cruising town one Friday night. We started seeing each other. She had told me she was not a virgin, but I confessed that I was. We had some wonderful sexual experiences, but for the longest time she did not want to go all the way.

We would kid around about it, but I think she could sense my frustration. I would tell her I was going to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and die a virgin. She would just laugh, she knew I was just kidding with her.

Anyway, one of our favorite things to do was to go “parking”. We would just make out for long periods of time and then I would take her home. Well, one night there was a dance at her school. We went to the dance and had a great time. Before the dance was over, we went parking. I was bugging her as usual about doing it, but she asked me why this time.

I knew I could easily blow it with the wrong answer, or if she thought I was not being honest with her. The front seat was reclined. I gazed into her beautiful eyes as she gazed into mine. Her lips so soft and sensitive, I leaned down and kissed her. I was stalling, I wasn’t prepared for this. I thought about it for a while, and told her that I wanted to get closer to her. Not very poetic, but from the heart.

She began to remove her panty hose, and my pants. I paused because I realized how much she cared for me at that instant. This beautiful girl, with a wonderful personality cared for ME. I slowly caressed her cheek. She asked me put on my condom that was in my wallet (all 17 year olds trying to get laid carry one). I handed it to her. She opened it and slowly rolled it on to my rock hard penis.

She slowly guided me into her. I could feel her warmth on my penis. We kissed passionately. I wanted this to go on forever. She began rocking her hips as I moved in and out of her. Soon, I was having an earth shattering orgasm. My knees felt weak. My head was spinning. All I could do was kiss her softly on the lips.

All the way home, all I could picture in my mind was her eyes when she asked me why I wanted to do it. We eventually got married, have two wonderful childeren, and are living happily ever after (almost like a storybook).

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience