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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Garage
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I was riding home from school one day on my bike — this was about a month ago — and I happened to see a yellow box lying just off the sidewalk on the ground in Lathrup Park, near our house. As I got closer I could see that it was a box of Ecstacy condoms =– you know the ones that advertise “Feels Like Nothing’s There.” They must have fallen out of somebody’s pocket as they walked along there. And it was a package of a whole dozen. I had been pressuring my girlfriend for sex for quite awhile, buty she always said No. That evening I called her on my cell phone and told her what I had found and said that we couldn’t let them go to waste. She agreed, and later that night she met me outside her house. She lives only 3 blocks away. We tried to decide where to go, and finally agreed that we’d go into her garage. We used the first one there, and they were right — it felt like there was nothing there. Our first fuck was beautiful. I came after about 15 minutes. And she said she did, too, although I’m not sure about that. It wasn’t the best place in the world to fuck for the first time, but we’ve got eleven more Ecstacys to go.

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