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Age when it happend: 32
Where it happened: at home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I rented one of the four rooms in an old house and one of the other tenants was a lady, Kathy, working in a pub. She normally comes back at about 2 or 3 am in the morning and we rarely see each other although we are staying in the same house. One day I was having a late night and was watching some pre-recorded TV programs that I missed during the past few days in my room. Then I heard the front door opened and closed. I knew it must be Kathy but I did not bother her. Out of sudden she call out my name and knock at my door. As the house was old the door could not be lock properly from inside. After knocking it twice the door gave way. Well, the weather was hot that day and after shower that night I did not bother to put on any clothes and was lying naked on my bed watching TV. As the door opened so sudden I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even bother to cover myself, Kathy quickly said, “I saw the light in your room and I thought you must be still awake, are you masturbating?”
Me: No, just watching some TV programs.
Kathy: Come to my room, lets chat for a while.
Me: OK, let me put on something.
Kathy: Don’t bother, just come

I quickly grab my shorts and put it on, then walk to her room. She was wearing an extra length T-shirt (the one that covers almost to her knees) and I knew that she did not wear a bra as I rarely sees any bra in her laundry line. We sat on her mattress and chatted for a while. She said she drank too much earlier and was feeling “high”.

Kathy: Do you want, I let you in?
Me: What do you mean?
Kathy: I had not done “it” for some time already.
Me: Are you sure?
Kathy Come, sleep over here, hug me. You don’t have to be responsible for anything.

She switched off the lights and we lied down and I hug her from behind holding on to her waist. But after a while:

Kathy: Your breathing is heavy.
Me: I had not been so close to a girl before.
Kathy: Come, I let you touch.

She took my hand to her breasts and for the first time in my life I am touching and fondling a real woman’s breasts. They feel so good in my hands that my erection began to built up in no time. Since I was hugging her close, she could feel my erection.

Kathy: You are hard and ready.
Me: Yes.

I was still fondling her breast through her T-shirt when I tried to slip my hand into her T-shirt. It was difficult for my hand to move in as the T-shirt was very long. Sensing my difficulty Kathy sits up and removes her T-shirt exposing her breasts to me through the dim street light. After fondling her breasts for a while, she moves one of my hand to her groin. She was wearing a thong and I massaged her groin area with one hand while fiddling one nipple with the other hand and nimble the the nipple with my mouth.

I tried to lick her cunt, but the odor was too strong and I had to back out. She did not complain.

Me: Are you ready?
Kathy: Just remove my panties when you want to go in.

After fondling her for a while I rolled her panties off and she helped me to remove my shorts. We tried missionary style. I was inside before I even knew it and she was rocking her butt up and down while I continue to fondle her breast. Her vagina was not tight, probably she was well lubricated or her boyfriends have very big penises. When I realize that my penis had gone in, I began to pump while she rocks. I think I lasted for about ten minutes before I blasted my semen inside her. Then I just stop but she continues to rock her butt for a while then,
Kathy: You have ejaculate?
Me: Yes, but if you want you can continue.
She continues for a short while. When she finally stops I ease myself from her to find my half erect penis all wet.
Me: You have any tissue?
Kathy: Here it is. wait , give me some also, it is leaking out.
Me: Oh, here. I should have use a condom, then it would not be so messy.

We wipe ourselves with some tissues and got up. She she puts on her T-shirt again so I sense that’s the end of the night and I started to walk back to my room. She gave me a peck on my cheek and said Thank you, is this your first time?
Me; Yes. thank you.
I went back to our own room as she got inside the bathroom.

We didn’t manage to meet each other until about two weeks later during a weekend that I happen to be a home during the afternoon.

Me: Kathy, can we discuss about sex?
Kathy: Yes, it’s OK
Me: I think I ejaculated too early that night, do you think it is because I masturbate?
Kathy: That night I was a bit drunk. Masturbating is alright, you don’t have to worry about that.
Me: Do you have any way so that I can prolong sex so that I won’t ejaculate so fast?
Kathy: I am not sure, anyway, if you want to do it again, you can always get a prostitute.

Since she did not offer, I never bother her again on the matter, and shortly later the landlord evicted all of us and we never see each other again.

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