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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: his room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We had been going out for several months and finally I felt ready, although inconveniently that also happened to be finals week. It was not spontaneous. We set it up. We went out for lunch and I was so nervous I spilled my coffee all over the table. I was wearing a silk pink scarf. We went back to his place and I put on the tape I wanted, which was Bach, and we lit candles. We kissed, etc, and then he tried a few times to penetrate me, but it hurt too much. Finally I forced myself to accept it, and it hurt terribly, even though he was trying to be gentle. But eventually it felt OK, although surreal, and we sat facing each other, rocking our bodies together. I don’t really remember much more than that, aside from how wonderful it felt to be close to him afterwards and feel the heat coming off his body. Later I went to work and I was sure everyone could smell me, as I hadn’t had time to take a shower. No one seeemed to notice, however. I had entered into the adult world of secrets. I left my pink scarf at his place by mistake and later his mom found it and smiled broadly at her son. We ended up going out for another 2 years or so and he was probably the best boyfriend I had until I met my husband. Although this story is not full of “cum” etc, it was a profound experience for me and led to a very satisfying first sexual relationship. If you’re ever reading this, you know who you are, and thank you for being the first!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience