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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: At the county fair
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I will use fake names , the story is true. I was a flirt and dealing out of my league with guys and boys too much older and experienced than me. I dressed to advertise my body and barely kept my nipples covered. The same time I wanted to protect my self and I wore a girdle and put safety pins behind my zipper to keep my jeans on. Many times the safety pins saved my virginity. Well I was at the county fair on Long Island and there were these Amish kids I knew. Becca 14, Elizabeth 14 , and Ely 17 Elizabeths brother. It’s crazy we were friends because I was a big city girl . Becca the next day let me borrow a bonnet and a summer print dress as we were the same size. The Amish boys hit on me big time and I loved that game. It wasn’t long we were rolling in the hay loft . I was kissing (only) three Amish boys and Becca was kissing four boys and one was 21. Elizabeth climbed up and saw the hats and bonnets set in a row and jumped in . Soon Ely found us and we were all kissing and rolling in the hay. Ely liked me and I liked him but I was only 13 even though I was filled out well. Every one there had a future marriage and knew who they would hitched to. I was wondering why they were kissing some one they would never marry. This one boy who was younger than me I let feel my breast. Ely got angry and buried him in the hay . He begged to feel me up. As long as my top stays on I said. Soon all the Amish boys were feeling up us three girls. It got out hand and Becca’s and Elizabeths tops came down and their bra’s vanished. Time to go I told Ely and we took off. Ely found a quiet place at the fair and we became too comfortable with each other. He was so cute and had no problem removing my clothing and inspecting my virginity . Before I could say opsy daisy His uncircumcised member was tearing down the wall of my virginity. The pain was soon gone and the pleasure was upon me when I came to . This was the same time Ely with no condom let his sperm go. Ely I’m only 13 I said, he never removed him self and I let him do me agin un protected . Well I was worried but I escaped pregnancy . Two months later I let him love me and I became pregnant and a 14 year old mother. Now years later I regret my actions as my 10 year old daughter is stuck between cultures of Amish and Jewish life. I missed my childhood getting married so young.

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