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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: In my treehouse
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

OK, so my older brother had built this treehouse with his best friend. I loved it, and for my birthday, they gave it to me! Anyway, I really, really liked my brother’s friend, and as I had just turned 12, I decided that I wanted my first kiss to happen before I turned 13. The plan: Get my brother’s friend, Alan, to kiss me in my new treehouse. I got the treehouse all ready for the occasion. It was actually pretty big, with two rooms, and far away from my house. That was the only downside. I asked Alan to come up to the treehouse one day, and he agreed. I told him that I wanted to show him something. So the day came, and when he walked into the treehouse, I walked up to him and kissed him! He pulled away, confused. I said,”I really want to be kissed. Will you do it as your birthday present to me.

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