Where it happened: My bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I have two younger brothers, now 14 and 17. When I was 13 and my brothers were 4 and 7, I was bathing my 7 year old brother. When I went to wash his tummy, I saw his little penis. I was curious about them so I rubbed his balls. He giggled and said it tickled, so I kept going. After a while, I finished bathing him and then took him out, but I kept him naked. Then I asked him, “Do you wanna tickle me?” Of course, he said yes, and so I pulled down my shorts and panties and had him finger me. Then after I squirted, I put him to bed. Once he fell asleep, I picked him up and sucked his tiny dick, making it hard. Once it was hard enough, I pushed it into my asshole. I rode his little cock hard, and after a while he woke up, he was kinda confused, but he figured it out eventually. After he came, I put him back to bed, and woke up his younger brother…