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Emily; my first time threesome!

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

My first time was great! Me and my frind, Suzy, were in the common room one day, and sitting a little way away was this boy, Jamie, who I’d had a crush on for almost two years, wa sitting a little way alway. I used to tease him in sexy ways, like leaning over him with my legs open, and everyone just thought i was playing. But i finaly decided to ask him out, then and there, and he said ok! so that nigt we went home to my house because my parents wern’t home.we lay on my bed and started kissing. He got hard pretty quickly, and started rubbing my tits, so I took my shirt off, quickly followed by my bra. At this point the door rang, and it was Suzy. I toldher what was going on and she asked if she could join in.Jamie loved this idea and soon we were all naked on the bed, with me sucking on Suzy’s pussy, Jamie licking me and Suzy giving him a blowjob. We swapped around a little, and had the greatest night of my life! We were at it all night because my parents were at some party,and in the morning we were all still there,so we got dressed quickly and went to school. Thanks for reading!

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