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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My sister's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

My first time was with my sister’s husband and it was pretty bad. My sister was 21 and married for two years to ‘Peter’ whom she met at the real estate office where she was the receptionist. Peter was 35 when they met and he swept her off her feet in more ways than one and one day he took her to Reno and convinced her to marry him.
So she was having twins and she came down with Listeriosis and had to be in the hospital for three weeks. When she got home she asked me to come and keep up the house for her so I did. My mom thought it was a cool idea since I was out of school for summer anyway.
That put me there all the time when Peter was around and he was very sweet to me all the time and now I look back and know he was a creep but at the time getting attention from a grown man with a Mercedes was really cool. He started hanging around me and rubbing my shoulders and just touching me all the time and being a stupid kid I encouraged it.
The Listeriosis came back and my sister was back in the hospital again and that left me alone with Peter. The second night she was at the hospital Peter had me sit with him that night and watch TV and then I went to bed. It was not long before he came into my room and asked me if I was cold and I was. Summer in Astoria, Oregon is really cold. So he told me to come to bed with him and keep him warm and I said I didn’t think that was a good idea but he insisted so I went along. When he got into bed with me he put his arms around me and was feeling me up and when I went to say something he kissed me.
Like Katy Perry, I liked it. I kissed him back and we got into it. I still said no when he unbuttoned my top and I said no when he took it off but I didn’t do too much to stop him. I also said no when he pulled off my panties. The next thing that happened was he took off his boxers and I told him I was a virgin and that this was not a good idea and he said we were just going to make out and not go all the way and I believed him.
We kissed a lot more and I let his hands go all over me and I let down my guard and let him get between my legs. He had been fingering me and at first I thought he was just doing it again and then it felt like a lot more than a finger and I said we needed to stop and then he just slipped into me. At that point it felt pretty amazing and I didn’t want to stop so when he kissed me I kissed him back and the whole thing became really amazing with his body on me, the kissing, his hands, and then the amazing feeling of his cock in me.
We did it for a while and then he held me tight and came in me. He rolled off me and just held me and we went to sleep for a while and then he woke me up and got on me again. I didn’t say no at all. He took the next day off from work and we spent most of it in bed before we went to see my sister at the hospital. Even after my sister came home he and I still managed to get in a quickie every now and then.
After the babies were born I went home and it was about three weeks after that I realized that I was pregnant. There was a lot of drama at home and the solution was to send me to live with my sister and her husband. LOL.
After my baby was born I got on the pill and Peter and I were back at it again and then I got a job in Aberdeen and moved out. I blamed my baby on some made up guy and have kept this secret until now.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience