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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: School bus
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Every day after school Jimmy and I were making out on the back seat of the school bus. because we werwe the last two stops and we had the whole bus to ourselves for the last 15 miles as we drove down backroads in rural Linconshire, England.

Finally one day we were both so steamed up we got carried away.

I unzipped Jimmy’s trousers right there and slipped my undies off, and we had a go of it on the back seat of the bus. He was a panting, sweating little freak, his eyes rolled back and when he shot his load, I thought I’d have to give him recuscitation. It felt okay for me, too, but not that bloody great. He was like a wounded animal.

In my haste to get myself together afterwards, I forgot to put on my undies, leaving them on the bus with other evidence of my lost virginity staining the seat.

The driver reported us, and we had a meeting at school with the principal the next day, and he called in our parents.

Jimmy told the truth and I lied about it, so I got in worse trouble.

Now I am happily in a Lesbian relationship and I don’t really give a fuck about males at all. When I did give a fuck, it got me in a heap of trouble.

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