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EndlesS LoVe………

Where it happened: My Boy Friends House
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

ON MYway to my boy friends house and when i got there he took me to his room and told me to lay on his bed. Then he looked at me like he really loved me alot.. So then he started kissing me really soft and sweet. Then he told me that he wanted to make love to me then he asked me if i wanted him to make love to me and he said that he will do it slow.. We were still virgins and we new each other for years.. But we never dreamed this will be happing. Then he told me that he always loved me since the first time he saw me. Then he started to take off my shirt and kiss my nipples and lick them soft. That really made me want him more then ever. Then he started to play with my breast. THEN HE STARTED TO TAKE OFF HIS SHIRT AND STILL KISSING ME THEN HE TOLD ME AM I READY FOR THIS? AND I TOLD HIM YES BUT I WAS REALLY NOT READY… BUT THEN HE STARTED TO UNZIP MY PANTS AND TAKE OFF MY PANTIES,THEN HE WENT DOWN ON ME AND I GOT REALLY EXCITED THEN I STARTED TO MOAN..THEN HE PUT HIS FINGER IN MY HOT WET PUSSY. THEN HE SAID THAT HE WAS GOING TO PUT IT IN AND I SAID GO AHEAD BABY THEN HE STARTED TO PUSH HIS WAY THREW AND I WAS REALLY SCARED AND MY LEGS WHERE SHAKING ALOT. AND I TOLD HIM JUST PUT IT IN SO I WONT BE SCARED. THEN HE GOT A GOOD GRIP ON ME THEN STARTED TO PUSH HIS WAS THREW AND I SCREEMED WITH PAIN AND TOLD HIM TO STOP! THEN HE SAID THAT IT WAS ONLY HALF WAY IN THEN I SAID THAT IT HURT BADLY THEN HE JUST STOPED. THEN I JUST FEEL A SLEEP NEXT TO HIM. BUT THE NEXT TIME WE DID IT WAS GREAT AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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