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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: at my home
Langauge: british
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Here’s how it all began, i was just on my sophomore year in high school, and it was the day i discovered that I’m gay.
When i was in my gym class, it was typical of us guys to take a shower together, and then, there was this one guy, his name is “John”, we we’re just fooling around on the shower, when he began caressing my prick, i was so embarrassed then, but i had this weird feeling about it, suddenly, i liked it.
Although he was really big, but he was very careful with what he’s doing, maybe that’s one of the reason why i enjoyed it.
I was blushing the whole time, of course, as this is my first time.
he carefully penetrated his thing in my ass, and there you go… after that day, i am a new person! There goes my first time…

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