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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Summer Camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was only 14 years old at the time and honestly barely knew what I was doing. I went to this summer camp every year where you slept in cabins at this camp for 2 weeks, and it was almost always the same kids there every year. I knew this girl Madison from there for like 3 years, and I always sort of liked her. We had kissed for the first time when we were 13, and I was excited to see her the summer when I was 14. We got our cabins and settled in, and went to bed after dinner, and I was dissapointed that I didn’t see her that first day. But the next day I saw her at breakfast and I hung out with her all day. The next day was the same, and after dinner we made out in my cabin. My cabin-mates were getting annoyed at this so we decided to re-locate. We ran holding hands to the bathroom building. Inside we went to the boys shower room, where it was busy and many people were showering. There were like 15 or 20 shower stalls with curtains. We snuck into an open one and kissed some more. I felt myself getting a boner. I was very surprised and couldn’t believe it when Madison started pulling down my pants. I was so nervous, being so young, but also excited. Before I knew it I was butt naked, and I pulled her clothes off. We turned on the water and looked at each others bodies. Madison giggled and made some comment about my penis being small, but I reminded her that we were only 14, and 5 inches wasn’t terrible. She reached down and rubbed it a little and I never felt better. I also reached down and rubbed her pussy, and even slid a finger in, and I could feel that it was wet. She got down on her hands and knees, and I got on my knees, and I fingered her a little more. I even licked it. I put a finger into her butt hole too, since I wasn’t sure what to do, but she stopped me and told me not to. I got on with it and put my penis is and pumped in and out slowly. She moaned a little bit and I knew I could do better. I picked up the pace a little bit and she was moaning for me to go faster. I did and she was getting loud now. I heard some kids in the showers saying “What the fuck?” and I got worried. But just as I was reaching my top speed, I felt an orgasm coming and pulled out. I whispered that it was going to happen, and she turned around and sucked the cum out of me. She made a face because I guess it tasted bad. And we smiled and laughed. My penis returned to its embarrassing, inch-long self, but she didn’t care anymore. We actually ended up taking a shower together, and fucking 4 more times that camp. It was great.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience