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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: dining room floor/table
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Summer had just started and my boyfriend and I were very close. I knew we were in love, and I knew that I was ready to have sex. We talked about it a great deal before anything ever happened because we were both virgins and we wanted it to really mean something. The first time we tried, we waited until my parents went to sleep upstairs and I ran to get a condom. As soon as it was on, he couldn’t stay hard and we tried for two hours before we just gave up. It was such an awkward experience that we didn’t talk for a week. I felt like I wasn’t attractive enough to get him into the mood, which was never the case before. I got so nervous that when we finally talked again, I tried to avoid the conversation at all costs. My boyfriend pointed out that we were being awkward and that he knew why and he was so embarrassed. We had a long talk about it and finally got to laugh about how inexperienced we both were and decided we would try again soon.
We tried the next night before I left for a trip. We went into my dining room and he picked me up and laid me out on the table. I was wearing a skirt and he just pulled off my underwear, unzipped his pants, put on a condom and we went at it. Being that I’m a great deal smaller than he was and he had a very large penis, it was very very very painful. He was very sweet and could tell I was in pain, but we just kept going because I wanted to at least try. We went at it for awhile until the condom broke and then I realized I had bled all over my skirt, so we decided to take a break. We waited about ten minutes and tried again, and strangely, this time was much more pleasant. We did it on the floor with him on top and my leg on his shoulder. Being the my mom was just upstairs, it was a pretty quiet experience, haha.
From then on, we tried everything sexual we could think of. Since we both got to experience sex together for the first time, we really had a great bond and were so much more comfortable with each other. There was no worrying about STDs from other partners or a lack of interest in one another, since we were each other’s first loves and first times.. as cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. I would never go back and change my first time or the person I was with because I know that ten years from now, I won’t regret losing it to someone I was in love with over a guy I met drunkenly at a party. It was painful, but everytime after that was absolutely amazing.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience