Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
We were both 13 when we lost it. It all started with a simple mooning. Nicholas (Nick) my sam-age friend was staying for a sleepover at my house on Friday night. My mum had gone out to the cinema with her friend and my dad was at the hospital working a night shift – Nick and me were home alone. It was a few years now but I remember every minute and perhaps it wasn’t the best first time I could have had but it was great fun and I will always be very grateful to Nick who started it. It was about 21:00 and we were in my bedroom playing games on my computer.
We had already showered (separately) and were in pajamas and boxers. Randomly Nick said “How come we never get girls? I’m hot.” I teasingly replied “No you’re not!” Nick ignored the comment and said “Whatever. But sometimes I feel so desperate, like I could hump anything that moves!” I cracked up laughing “Yeah, I feel the same!” Nick looked at me very seriously “You know, I suppose we could…” “What?” I said confused. I turned back to the computer screen. “Hey Gage!” Nick called. I looked back “Check this out!” he said and he mooned me.
He pulled is pajama trousers to his knees and did the same with his white boxers and flashed is bare ass at me. I subconsciously looked at this backside without knowing what to think. About 5 seconds had passed and Nick still had his naked butt out. Nick then climbed onto my bed and got on his hands and knees keeping his ass exposed in my direction. I just stood there and stared at his bottom – hypnotized. I had never been mooned or mooned for more than just a few seconds. “Wow” I said just to break the silence of the odd unexpected action. Nick didn’t answer, he spun round and there was a big grin on his face. He got his hands and rested each hand on one of this butt cheeks. He rubbed and fiddled with his naked ass and I started to feel every so slightly turned on.
Nick had always been very self-confidant. He continued showing off his ass. He moved his butt cheeks up and down and spread his butt wide open with his hands. I felt a slow gradual erection building up inside my boxers. I continued gazing at his ass and almost became sort of addicted to looking at it. Like I was privileged. I had never seen a live bottom before for so long, it triggered curiosity in me. I took a few steps closer to get a bigger look. Nick made no gesture of wanting to pull his pants back up. His ass was actually rather hot. I still have a mental photograph – it was neither too big nor too small and his butt checks were round like oranges. He had a tan line and his backside was pale white and completely hairless. It could have easily been a sexy models butt, and strange thing is – I think Nick knew this. He had managed to hypnotize me.
Without speaking or turning round Nick clenched his butt with one hand and with the other he pointed at it and gestured for me to come closer. He then laid down on his tummy on my bed with his trousers and pants at his knees and shook his legs. I stood there. By now the erection had grown to full size but something was still wrong. “Nick what are you doing?” I finally asked. “Come on! Why not mate!? It’s just a bit of fun. I know you want to!” he said cheerfully and we wiggled his attractive ass in my direction.
At that point I let go. I pulled my clothes down at the front but kept my butt covered and I laid down flat on top of him. I literally felt my penis pump up with blood as the erection grew even bigger. We were about the same height so my waist was right above his butt. I remember my cold penis slid automatically right into his butt crack between his hairless warm cheeks. It instantly felt like paradise. I started to go up and down and it was the best feeling ever. I then added a rotatory motion and I slid my penis form hit butt crack over to the side of his butt checks and back again.. It was incredible! I felt the pressure increasing all over my pelvis and the more I rubbed up and down the more friction I caused on the top of my penis the harder and bigger it became. I felt heat waves come all over my penis and the pleasure was just the best. It was like masturbating multiplied by ten. Even my legs felt brilliant. I felt weird vibrations all the way down to my knees I couldn’t stop. I started panting and a few seconds later I ejaculated. It was like an explosion. I found myself saying, “Yes! Yes!” as if I had accomplished an impossible mission.
After ejaculating I positioned myself on Nick’s back and recovered my breath and tried to relax. “Thank you!” I found myself saying. Nick turned round and smiled. “My pleasure mate, just do me a favor and wipe my ass will you!” I laughed. Nick always knew how to bring humor into everything. I climbed off my bed and went to the bathroom to clean my penis for the semen. I fetched some toilet paper and as Nick requested I wiped his ass. I no longer felt intimidated or disgusted but I actually enjoyed sticking my hand and cleaning his butt from my ejaculation.
From that point, the background tension vanished and the atmosphere became really very relaxed and fun. As I finished cleaning Nick’s butt I pulled his boxers back up and gave him a wedgie that he wasn’t expecting and he pulled his boxers back down and farted on my hands and we both cracked up and he offered my a high-five like we were playing football. We pulled or clothes back on.
“Okay, my turn now!” said Nick smiling! “What do you want?” I go returning the smile “Pretend to be Imelda, and give me a lap dance” Imelda was the girl I knew he had a crush on. “Okay…” I said. “For God’s sake get these trousers down you’ve got nothing that I haven’t” he says. Obediently I pulled my trousers down and kept my pants on. Nick sat down on the computer chair in his underwear I sat down on top of him facing him and started to imitate lap dance movements I occasionally saw on porn videos. Our penises were rubbing against each other through our boxers and I could definitely feel his erection and the excitement I had made my penis started to erect again. Nick pulled his pants down so that his penis and scrotum were visible. His penis was about the same size of mine and much less hairy. I touched his foreskin with my hand and I felt his penis grow like it was alive “Oh yes Imelda” groaned Nick and I chuckled. I started to move it about like a gearstick and I sort of enjoyed the impact I was having on Nick. I felt powerful.
I got my penis showing and Nick stroked mine gently. We put our hands on each other’s hips and bobbed ourselves up and down. Nick started puffing. I got very carried way. I got my hands and slid them round his back and into his butt crack and squeezed the soft skin on his ass. He did the same and poked a finger up my anus. This made me very horny again. We both started huffing moaning and groaning.
Suddenly Nick stopped and said, “Hey dude, I showed you my ass and my dick.” “Yeah!?” I said confused “Yeah well, its not fair because I haven’t yet seen your ass!” and he chuckled. “You want to see my ass?” I said laughing. “Yeah, cool!” he said eager “No problem mate!” I said and I got up. He stayed on his chair with his penis out. I turned my back towards him. My bottom was about the height of his belly. “Here you go.” I said as I joyfully pulled my trousers and pants down and fully mooned him. “It’s all yours – feast your eyes on this!” and I bent down more leaning on my bed enjoying the thrill and the cool breeze on my naked bum. “Nice ass mate!” said Nick “I can’t believe I said that – that’s where you take a shit from” he added. I giggled with my hands I spanked my butt cheeks the way models do to show off they booty.
Slowly, Nick got up took and put his hand under my butt and grabbed my balls from under my legs and then made his way further up and stroked my naked penis for a few seconds. Then he put his hands back, gently pushed my back down so I was bending 90 degrees and he shoved his penis in my anus. At first it hurt terribly and I was about to beg him to stop but after a few minutes the pain vanished. Nick massaged my butt cheeks and probed in and out of my anus at a constant rhythm. I started loving it and masturbating. After about five minutes Nick pulled off. Incredibly he still had not ejaculated.
I was standing up masturbating and Nick yelled “Stop that! Wanking is for losers! Lie down on your back on the bed!” I obeyed. Nick stumbled on top of me groped me several times then bent down and put his penis in my moth – before I knew it he was giving me a blowjob! I had never ejaculated twice in the same day but this time I did and the second was even better. I yelled with enjoyment and when I ejaculated I screamed! Nick got up and spat in the rubbish bin “I prefer chewing gum” he said.
It was now my turn to give him a blowjob. “Go!!!” ordered Nick as he lay down on my bed. I struggled a little bit this time and I kept putting my face near his penis but delaying putting it my mouth. Nick stayed naked but got up and said “Mate, you okay!?” I hesitated. It was fun and everything but it just didn’t feel right “No it feels weird” I said.
Nick was (is) an amazing person. He could be funny or he could be serious and intelligent “Listen mate, if you don’t want to do it its fine, it should be fun so it its not lets just quit. But look there is nothing wrong I mean, we did not kill anybody and we are just two friends messing about a bit. We’re not gay either. It’s not wrong to be gay but we are just kind of experimenting. If Imelda were naked next door I would ditch you right now.” Without hesitating I said “Yeah your right Nick, just promise me that you will never tell anybody about this. Not at school and not at home – our secret” “I thought that was obvious” Nick said as if to say “duh”.
This time I started it, I bent back down and directly put his penis in my mouth and sucked. It felt strange and I much preferred everything else we had done but it was only fair as he had done it to me first and I loved it. About 2 minutes later Nick ejaculated and I accidently swallowed. I got up and so did Nick and he put his clothes back on.
“Let’s call it a day” he said “Sure!” I replied. Nick went to the bathroom. I stood there gazing at the room, and smiling. I was happy. It was all weird and wonderful. When Nick came back we got ready for bed as we were falling asleep we talked about girls and never once mentioned what we had done to each other. As if it never had happened. Next morning we got dressed and went to school. A part of me was feeling really guilty a part of me was feeling overjoyed and a part miserable because I kept wondering if I will ever get a another go. There are things I still wanted to do. When we played football my eyes kept landing on Nicks’ butt and I kept thinking that I couldn’t believed I had actually seen it plain uncovered just the night before. When we were going back to class after lunch I stopped him and said casually “Hey Nick, do you think we are going to go there again?” Nick gave me a disgusted look and didn’t answer. When we got to class he was sitting in the desk in front of me next to Imelda. The chair next to me was empty and I was on the last row. When she wasn’t looking Nick quickly stood up, in a second he flashed his bare butt cheeks at me and then glanced round, winked and nodded.
Nick and me are still great friends. We both have had (have) and will have girlfriends. The experimenting went on for a couple of years and I will always be grateful to him for all the cool things we did. I am proud to have experimented in my teen years and I will never regret it. It was amazing and I even if I now have proper sexual intercourse with girls, I still occasionally miss messing about with Nick.