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family RAPE

Age when it happend: 10
Where it happened: naybors house
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

he threw me on his desk and pulled out his penis. and made me gave him a blowjob. then he ate me out. i stuck my fingers down my throat and threw up on him. he said that only turned him on more. he stuck his 12inch penis in me. it hurt like hell. i looked up and my mom walked in. she ripped off her shirt and started to french kiss me. i spit in her mouth but she just went faster. when she stopped kissing me she started to masterbate. right in my mouth. i bite her and she said harder harder. then my dad walked in and he shoved his penis in me from behind. i was about to pass out when my older sister walked in and said it was her turn. she was way more developed then me so they all went over to her and did everything they did to me to her. i ran out of his house and into my shower. but then my brother walked in and had his way with me while i screamed for help. he said dont worried i am helping u.

i told the police every thing
and now i am in

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