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Current Age: 66
Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Aunt's House Party
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was 12 y/o. My father’s sister was having a family gathering, and my parents brought me with them to the party. I was unaware until I arrived that my cousin, Doris, was going to be there. She and I were born 2 months apart, and had been sweet on each other since age 8.

On arrival, I discovered 2 things: 1) Doris had changed – had entered puberty and had begun to change from girl to young woman, and 2) she and I were the only “kids” at the gathering.

Doris and I hung around the adults for awhile, but my aunt (the host) came to us and said, “After we eat, you kids won’t want to hang around the old folks. Why don’t you go out and play? Well, you never saw two young people wolf down their food so quickly. After we finished, we did as we were told – and disappeared into the back yard.

We walked about for a bit, and found a large yard shed. The doors were latched, but not locked. We opened a door and entered. Rather than a bunch of junk, the shed was very neatly appointed. We even saw two chaise lounges. We unfolded them and put them side by side. Each of us took a lounge, and reclined. We were so close, we could reach out and touch each other.

We talked for a bit, but were really seeing each other for the very first time as “young adults.” She had begun to blossom, and I’d had pubic hair and had been masturbating since I turned 11 y/o. Doris had tiny bumps that jutted out, forming projections against her loose-fitting cotton pullover top. She wore no bra. She was also wearing loose-fitting shorts (it was a hot July day).

I wore elastic waist shorts, and a t-shirt. I wore not underpants as, again, it was quite hot. We talked about simple stuff, but soon began to talk more intimately. I told her I noticed she’d begun to grow tits, and her tummy had flattened. She smiled and said boys back home were taking notice of her. I told her I was jealous that other boys had been staring at “my girl.” NOTE: Doris and I used to kiss each other, when we were still children. At age 11, I remembered our kisses, and – when I began to masturbate – I thought of Doris and me kissing, and I’d stroke my little cock to that memory.

I told Doris I’d been playing with my cock to the experiences of our kisses, and would “squirt” when I did so. She didn’t laugh – she was actually in awe. She stared at me and asked, “Would you play with it now for me!?” I was a bit stunned, as I’d always jacked my cock in private. She sensed my hesitation, and said, “Please? I haven’t seen a cock for real – only pictures!”

With that last comment, I could feel my cock and balls – tiny as they were – become excited. I said nothing, but raised up my ass and pulled down my shorts. My little cock was already at attention, and I began to stroke it. As I did, Doris shifted on her chaise, and leaned her head very close to my legs. She was asking how it felt to do that, and I told her it was great!

As I kept stroking my little cock, I asked if I could see her tits. In an instant, she peeled off her top, and I could see her small budding tits. At 12 y/o, I didn’t expect to see tits like a woman’s, and Doris’s tits were tiny and firm. She was so close to me, I could have reached out and touched her tits with my free hand. I asked, “Doris, can I touch them?” She raised up from the chaise, and came to mine. She sat on the edge of the lounge, and I reached up to touch her little tits. I felt a surge in my cock, but did not cum. THAT would have been embarrassing.

Now I was pumping my stiff cock, and touching the angelic tits of my 12 y/o cousin. She began to gurgle a bit, and moan a bit as well. Seeing and touching her skin made me very, very hard. As she was getting sweaty, so was I. Remember: we were in a closed shed in the middle of July. As I saw her sweat, and sweat was running down my sides and chest, Doris stood up and said, “I want us to ‘do it’ now!”

I was stunned. Playing was one thing, but Doris wanted us to “do it.” I could only stammer “Are you sure? I’ve never…..” Doris interrupted, saying “I’ve never, either, but I watch the animal on our farm do it. It must be the same!”

Well, my shorts were down and I was hard. Doris was topless, and very sweaty. She stood up, pulled down her shorts – revealing plain white cotton panties. Off they came, and she was naked. I asked her how we could “do it,” since we really didn’t know how. Doris said, “I think if I sit on your lap, your cock will go into my slit!”

Without delay, Doris sat on my lap, facing me. Her ass was so tiny, as was her cunt. She had sprouted some very fine blonde cunt hair – like corn silk. I left it up to her to get us together. She said, “I think we just need to spread my lips apart.” She shifted a bit, reached down, and spread her cunt lips apart. She wiggled a bit, and I was in side her.

We didn’t last very long, but I was able to suck and kiss her little tits. My God, we were 12 y/o, and carrying on like we were experts. She moved back and forth while I was inside her wet slit. I felt the rubbing of her cunt walls on my cock, the head of my cock hypersensitive because I was not circumcised.

As I took one of her little tits in my mouth, she moved a bit more aggressively – and I lost it. My tiny pre-teen cock let go, and spurted inside her opening. I gasped, and I believe she knew what I’d done. “God, Doris, I hope you don’t get pregnant!” She chuckled and said, “I don’t think so!”

I was spent, and I felt wetness dripping down my thighs. Doris had not cum, and she pulled off of my lap, naked and wet from her juices, my little spurts of cum, and loads of sweat. She looked beautiful. She went back to her lounge and started rubbing her cunt. I asked what she was doing, and she replied, “I wanna have the same feeling you just had!” She said she’d been rubbing her cunt for about a year, and it was apparent she was experienced.

I watched her finger herself, as I was still sweating and my little cock had begun to soften. Within a minute or so, I watched Doris tense up, gasp a huge breath of air, and heard her give a deep, throaty sigh. She was so stiff – her entire body, legs and arms. She held onto her cunt like she’d never let go, until her orgasm subsided.

That was our first time together, sexually – but NOT our last. In fact, we carried on periodically until we were 21. She got married and moved 4 States away – but, she and I learned much from our love and experimentation.

I still love her, even though it’s been 45 years since we last were sexual together. I still masturbate to our sexual exploits. I’ve told many people, over the years, about Doris and me. I’ve played on cam with M and F partners, using my time and experiences with Doris as fodder for some great online orgasms.

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