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fansty come true

Where it happened: pool
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were all at a party and it was a pool party and i wore one of my most reveling bathen suits and alot of my hott freinds were there including my boyfreind well call him (brian)well me and brian started making out and one thing led to another it got all hot and heavy one thing led to another and the next thing i knew he had 2 fingers inside of me every1 started to look at me and become amaized becuase a god girl like me would never do nething like this. neway brian soon pulled out his 8 in hard cock and i began to suck on it untill i got a moth full then he pulled out a condom and we started fucking hardcore on the pool steps one of my friends who was a girl lets call her nicole started to get in on it the next thing i knew brian and nicole weredoin it doggy style and i had my friend steve eating me out it was the best nite ever

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