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Fat Fucker

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Fat Camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i was 12 years old and i was really overweifht so i went to fat camp and there i met this kid Matt who was also fat. we were both interested in eachother so we went out and after a month and a half he got condoms from his room mate and he set the whole thing up. we started making out and he started to take off my clothes and soon i was takin his clothes off too finally he put it in and i almost screamed it hurt soooooo bad u couldnt imagine it was embarresing, painful, and loud yet i wouldnt trade that experience for anything we did it ALL the time but then we ran out of condoms so we had to stop until next summer wen we went back 2 see eachother he brought tons of packs and we had sex ALL THE TIME!!! now that we lie together we cant stop and we try every possible position!!! 2 all the people reading this who havent done it yet DONT WORRY ITS WORTH THE PAIN!!!!!

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