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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Last night…

I thought it wouldn’t hurt cause I masturbate at least twice a day for more than a year, but fuck, it hurt. He came, like, two seconds after he was in me. He wasn’t a virgin, but he hadn’t had sex in a long time. We tried again and he put me on top, but I just couldn’t. I hurt too fucking much. And when we stopped he just couldn’t get it up again. He was embarassed, and I felt bad for him. I let him know I understood but he was just too dissapointed with himself. I was more pissed about the fact that it was his ex-gf’s fault. Or at least that’s what he said. We spent the rest of the night talking, and we decided to keep our friends status.

It was akward and weird, but it wasn’t that bad. Actually I’m surpized that I liked blowing him. Who am I kidding, I loved it! I had fun, so I don’t regret it. But.. I’ll definitely be pissed if he doesn’t call again.

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