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Fearsome Three Some

Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: Cottage
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

This is the story of more than I ever dreamed of. It was Wed morning. I had handed in my final examination. It was the last course for my Bachelors degree in business management. A female voice was slowly penetrating my thoughts. Betsy was asking if I would fly herself and her two sisters to thier home. Getting better acquainted with Betsy appealed to me. I told Betsy that I would fly her home for the airplane costs and my expenses. BetsyÆs father, whose first name is Herbut, met us at the airport. Herbut was most congenial and outgoing. This is until Betsy told him that I was staying in their apartment. We loaded our things into Herbut are late model Mercedes. HerbutÆs house was a very large 3 and + story. Behind the house was a five-car garage. Each stall had a luxury car. Over the garage was the apartment. I went out on the deck and was reading the booklet on fundamental Mormon beliefs. Betsy and her mother Elaine joined me. Elaine told me that they were fundamental Mormons, and practiced polygamy. Elaine was the first wife and was a lawyer, Sylvia, RuthÆs mother, was the second wife and was a medical doctor, Karen, NaomiÆs was the third wife and was a mutual fund manager. Pat had two, Alberta and Edna, but had left the marriage. She ran a restaurant at the county airport, where Albert had his business. At dinner, I noted that there were two younger wives, Tasha, who had three kids wand was pg for the fourth, and Tona, who had 4 kids and was pg for the fifth. After dinner, Betsy and her sisters left for a wedding shower. Karen showed me to the apartment. Karen sat on the living room bed and motioned for me to sit beside her. She told me that Herbut had arranged BetsyÆs, RuthÆs and NaomiÆs weddings. They were all married at age 16 or 17. Betsy, who was a successful stockbroker, had ôdivorcedö her husband, Naomi set up her medical practice and was not living with her husband, and Ruth had just set up her law practice. I kissed Karen good night and turned in. The next thing I herd was a banging on the door. It was 06:30 h (am) and I sat up in bed as Betsy, who had been sleeping on the couch in just her panties put on my æTÆ shirt and went to the door. Herbut was vexed to think I had “seeded” his daughter. The upshot was that in the next hr I went to TobieÆs parents cabin (very plush) on the lake by the county airport. I met Albert, got a ride up to bring my airplane down to the county airport, and I also flew to Dallas for Albert to pick up equipment parts. It was 22:00 h when I returned to the cabin. The girls had ômovedö in, had gone to the spinster party, and had left supper for me. I turned in early. I awoke to someone gently moving their fingers through my hair. As I turned, Betsy was in my bed and the moonlight was on her face. As I turned she moved close to me and we kissed. After the second kiss, she was pulling me to her. I was in my shorts, she was nude. I sucked her breasts and felt her pussy. She pulled by hard-on out, pulled my shorts off, pulled me by my penis to her. I was on top of her, pushed my penis inside. I could feel her chemicals working on my cock. I was so hard it almost hurt. She said hump me. I did about 4 strokes and then ejaculated. I stayed hard, and kept humping her. Her legs flew into the air, she moved from sided to side, and her moans and cries filled the cottage. After another 50 or so strokes, I came again, immediately went soft. I was exhausted and with Betsy in my arms, I went to sleep. I awoke with a hand on my penis. As the sleep left me, I saw it was Ruth. I soon as I was hard, she moved under me. She was different from Betsy. Her pussy was tighter and she put her long legs around me and controlled each thrust. After about 30 thrusts, she spread her legs wide and I pushed deep into her and ejaculated. I lay beside her and I felt the electricity flow between us. I awoke at dawn. Naomi was next to me. I kissed her and sucked her breasts. She told me that I could have her if I could go all the way. I was getting hard. As I pushed my penis into her, I felt resistance. She told me that her husband had only had sex with her 12 times in 9 yrs of marriage. I humped her for about 30 min before I came. She was not very responsive. Ruth woke me up for breakfast. Betsy was in her panties. When she sat down at the table, she rubbed her stomach and said, your seed are making a baby inside of me. She also said, ônext year at JackieÆs wedding, you will be baby sitting three babies. Two weeks later, I was married to Ruth, 4 months later Naomi asked Ruth if she could be my second wife, a year later, Betsy asked Ruth and Naomi if she could be my third wife. None of us are Mormons. We have a happy and fun marriage.

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