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Felix-Embarrassment to Pleasure

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: car front seat
Langauge: Eng
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This is about my very first sexual event with a girl and it was when I was 16. She too was 16 and we had been going together for over a month at the time. So far, all we had ever done was a quick good night kiss.

It was on a weekend afternoon and we had been to a small shopping mall. We were setting in our car talking when suddenly we were looking into each others eyes and then we came together and were kissing. Our arms went around each other and we were really kissing. This had an effect on me that I had no control over. I got a big boner in my pants.

I was wearing these thin light slacks and when we broke from our kiss, my girlfriend glanced down and she saw it! She pulled back real quick while sucking in a gasp of air. I looked down and knew what she had seen. In these slacks it really stood out. I felt so embarrassed. She sat there looking down at it. I put my hand over it trying to hide and telling her I was sorry. She looked up at me and smiled. Then she ask “Did I get you that way”? I said “Yes; when we kissed. I couln’t help it. It just happened”. She again looked down and said “Please move your hand”. I was now going from embarrassment to excitment! My girl was actually wanting to see my cock! This was like a dream come true to a 16 your old boy.

I moved my hand away so she could see it again. My cock was now really throbbing with excitment. She then ask if “Can I touch it”? I said yes but in my mind it was more like PLEASE DO!!! She reached over and touched it with her finger tips. She said “It feels so hard. I wish I could see it”. I told her lets get out of here and started the car and took off. Once we got to moving on the street, I ask her “Still want to see it”? She said yes. I opened the fly and reached in and excitedly pulled it out. I was besides myself. It was me, a girl and MY COCK! She looked at it and again reached over to touch it. When she did I put my hand over hers and showed her how to “play” with it. It didn’t take me long at all and I ended up showing her what a cumshot looked like and what cum looked and felt like. It shot all over us. We weren’t prepared for anything like this and I ended up having to take of my under shirt so we could wipe ourselves off.

Anyway, that was the very beginning of my sex life involving the girls and later women. I was so excited I’ll never forget it.

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