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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: girlfriends place
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

me and my girlfriend were 16 when we did it… she called me over to her place… i fingered her the first day… on the next day i got a blowjob and on the 3rd day comes the finale…so we go through the routine fore play… and she’s ultra wet… and i coax her into doing it… and then it happened all of a sudden ,she was very tight… she was so wet that my penis kept slipping out in the begining… it lasted for about 5 mins the first time(never used protection)… it was fun for both of us… hurt a little bit for her though… since then we’ve been going on a fuckathon… it’s benn like a year now we do it like once in a week or so when her folks arent home…

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