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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: ...his bedroom....
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

hhmm…where to begin? Well, I was a virgin when I started
dating Jeremy in high school. I guess I was about 17 when
we met…he was 15. He was my first real boyfriend and I was
his first real girlfriend, and it was a pretty intense
relationship. We helped each other grow and learn so much
about life, and who we were and wanted to be…and I have
to say, he was/is HOT…I didn’t know what to expect since
he was only 15, and neither one of us had any experience,
but we were very sexually awakened. We were on fire for
each other. We started by just kissing, and touching, and
this went on for a little while. He knew that it would hurt
me when he we got around to intercourse, so he fingered me
alot the weeks before. I remember the first time I saw his
cock…wow…for 15, he was huge. Actually, for anyone, he
was huge…he is the reason I like to suck cock so much.
His dick was beautiful. He let me suck him more than any
normal person would have. Well, one day we were at his
parent’s house, and of course, they weren’t home. So we were
upstairs in his bed, and I was lying on my back. He was
between my legs, slipping my shirt over my shoulders, but
left it on. He unhooked my bra in the front, and devoured
my breasts. Slowly, the shorts were being removed from my
quivering legs, and the wet panties were soon to follow.
I undressed him quickly, kissing him hard and passionately
all the while. I was so horny, so hot, so wet…I dug my
nails in his ass and begged him to fuck me. He slowly
brought the head of his cock to my wet lips, and slipped it
in. I remember thinking..”OH MY GOD”…it was the best
thing I had ever felt. He was hard, and warm, so solid…
It seemed like it would never end…he kept pushing deeper
and deeper inside me. I loved every second of it. He started
to pull in and out, and it was very slick. He fucked me for
awhile, pulling out when he thought we was going to cum…
It was awesome. I have been sex-addicted every since that
afternoon. He pulled out as he came in torrents on the
sheets. We had sex every single day from then on…before
school, lunch hour, after school…in my car in the field,
in the kitchen, bathroom, hot tub….it was unreal. I have
to say that my first time wasn’t one to forget.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience