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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Boyfriend's Aunt's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

I was 17, and had finished High school. I’d been wanting to be rid of my virginity for a long time. I mean, I wanted it to be with the right person, which was why I felt I had already waited for so long. I have always been (and still am) a horny little beggar (as my boyfriend enjoys pointing out), and I knew so much about sex, except what it felt like!!! I told all this to my boyfriend when we started going out. Of course, he already knew this, because I’d told a mutual friend of ours about it, and he’d set us up with the pure intention of getting him (my boyfriend) a nice girl, and getting me laid!!!
So I finally had a guy who I thought would be perfect. Well, that’s not entirely true. I always believed I was lose my virginity to another virgin (you know – special for both of you etc etc etc). My boyfriend, however, had already slept with 3 other girls. I hesitated to sleep with him for a long time – about a month. It doesn’t really sound like a long time, though, but for me it was. Also for him. I was worried because it seemed as if I had no choice, you know, like because he was my boyfriend now he was the one I would be sleeping with. But once I told my boyfriend my concerns, he backed off, and told me he didn’t mind (although I’m sure every male out there is saying ‘Of course he bloody minded!!!’). But the important thing is, I felt no pressure.
It was December 30th, and his aunt had gone away for a couple of weeks, so we had the place to ourselves (although I wasn’t allowed to stay the night because my parents were too uptight). I didn’t want to be one of those cliched people anyway who loses their virginity on New Years or valentines day. I knew I was ready right then, and that if I didn’t do it right then, then that would be the only thing on my mind for the entire of the next day. So after watching some TV, hugging and kissing and doing all those wonderful things as usual, I felt the sexual tension in the room go way up. We just lay there for a short while thinking to ourselves. I was busting a gut trying to think of how to tell him that I was ready. I’m not a sleazy person, so ‘Do it to me’ was not on my mind. Instead, I asked him what he was thinking of, knowing full well what he was thinking of, but wanting him to say it and not me, but of course his whole idea was not to put pressure on me. So he said something stupid about just being so happy to be with me and that sort of thing. It wasn’t exactly a lie that he was happy to be with me, but I almost giggled because it was obvious what he was actually thinking (which he later admitted, by the way). But instead he returned the question of what was I thinking about. So I told him. I told him I thought I was ready. So he got up and grabbed a condom.
It was great. What do I mean by that? Well, it didn’t exactly feel wonderful, kind of like putting in an extra huge tampon. But what was great was that I had thought about this moment for such a long time, wondering what it would be like, and thinking I’d be really nervous, but when I got right down to it, I was just so relaxed. We talked while we were doing it, and told each other jokes about what we would tell people, and all that sort of thing, like we were just best friends doing something a little different for a change. We are best friends. He was so good, going so slowly and asking me almost every second if it was okay. I mean, yeah, it was good, but I’m surprised that girls even try to imagine that they orgasmed the first time, because it’s bloody painful. I didn’t even bleed – that’s how ready I was, and it still hurt like hell.
So my second time was on New Years Day, at about 2am. And I tell you what, the second time is far, far better than the first, and it was the best damn New Years I’ve ever had!!!
My boyfriend and I are still together, and we’re madly in love, and I just wish that every girl could be as lucky as me when their first time happens.

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