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Finally July 11th.

Age when it happend: 31
Where it happened: At home.
Langauge: English.
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I had no idea how people went from dressed to naked and fucking. Thirty-one and a virgin. I did not even know what I looked like! I stopped paying attention to my body after years of being molested at home. I was just my head and my heart, but no longer my body. However, I wanted to find my body because I wanted to have sex.

I spent my thirtieth year looking hard in the mirror at my naked form. Imagine my dismay to learn that my breasts fallen down after years of ignorance and lack of care! When did my belly become so squishy? I hate my arms. This is me? My skin glows! I have beautiful shoulders. I love the turn of my chin and full lips. The small of my back has a tuft of wispy blond hair that calls out to be caressed.

I found my body and then found Courtney. A trusted friend walked me across the threshold I never thought I would see, let alone cross! A first love of a sort, but in reality it was more about me and getting the deed done than about love. I had to experience the pieces of the puzzle before I could put them back together again.

I will admit I had phone sex prior to having real sex. The phone sex did nothing to keep us from being shy and anxious when we met up in person; it did not last long. Soon we found ourselves naked, kissing, holding and fondling. He touched me where I wanted him to touch me. We did not have sex right away, but when we did—damn. I could not tell up from down or left from right. I was taken completely unaware by what it felt like to be touched by a man…to be turned on by a man and then penetrated. We made love; we had sex; we fucked. My first time with him was sweet, passionate, lovely but not tentative. I remember that, but it was not the best sex we ever had. The best sex came one night when he and I made love at four in the morning, and I could see this orange glow in my room even though it was pitch black.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience