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finally sucked it up

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I went and picked her up at about 11 this morning and we drove to the store to buy condoms but when we got there she didnt want to go in and buy them and i was being to much of a pussy to go and buy them so we went back to my house and we hooked up and I fingered her and then i was asking for dome and she said that I should have bought the condoms so i was horny as hell and asked if she wanted to go and buy them now she said yes so i drove back down and finally sucked it up and bought them we went back to my house i put one on but she then decided that she didnt want to pull her damn pants down and was being rly annoying and i was getting pissed i was about 2 just tell her nvm lets go bring u home wen she finaly pulled her pants n pantys down and the fucking got started it didnt last very long but it was great she wants to do it again 2day so i must have done something rite.

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