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Finger pop accident

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Ice skating practice
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was just big enough to start lifting the girls over my head . I had been lifting the girls since I was 16 but not over my head. Well we had 3 girls this one day in practice . Male dancers get to put their hands on lots of flat chested girls . The female skaters don’t mind the pussy grabbing as long as they don’t hit the ice. It is just part of being lifted. A tight fitting outfit is manditory and a tight crotch is important for the female . Well this one darling was in her private school clothing as her mom forgot her tights or something. Twice her skirt was tangled in my hand and I was afraid I would break my arm. So some one pinned her skirt up high under her arm pits so my hand would not get caught in her skirt. Well I lifted the other girls and when it was her turn a safety pin opened and stabbed her back . Needless to say she went off balance and I was reaching to catch her . Her underpants some how were not covering her ass and off balance my thumb went up her pussy right before she would of fallen. Well she didn’t hit the ice but she was close . I looked at her just frozen there hands on her knees just standing there. Then I saw blood hit the ice between her skates. Coach I yelled she is hurt. The coach ran over and the little skater said he poped my cherry with his thumb. I looked at my hand and my thumb had some blood on it. When she turns 16 in a few years I am going to ask her out

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