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First Blowjob and more

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My Bedroom / Friend's Bedroom
Langauge: english .. wtf is up with malay
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

So when i was 17 me and my girlfriend had been dating for over 5 months and she had wanted to wait 1 year before we had sex but she was willing to do anything else. So one day she was over and we were in my room and she started tickling right above my belt .. so i quickly removed it and my pants and she started to give me a handjob, it was amazing! after a couple of minutes of that she brought her lips to my hard cock and started to suck on it ! What a feeling. After a couple of minutes i had ‘finished’ and she swallowed every drop.

A couple months later she said hat she was willing to forget the 1 yr thing and have sex with me when we got some privacy and ime .. well we went to a party at a friend of mines and we used his bedroom. we went upstairs, got ourselves completely undressed (romantically not like some of you other guys in here who claim you ripped their clothing off with your teeth or something) and got ready to start having our first times.

We covered ourself with a blanket (just incase) and it was a good thing we had, as soon as we were about to start, my friend walked in .. this kind of ruined the moment and we decided to wait again until we were more secluded 🙂

needless to say it didnt happen this night, but it happened later on, that however is another story entirely 🙂

The end

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