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first date

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his dorm room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I think a lot of these stories are made up, but this one is the complete truth. I can’t imagine that I am writing to one of these sites, but I really need to share this with someone.

I had skipped a grade and so I went to college when I was 17 (and still a virgin). Actually I had never dated in high school, as my parents were very strict. The first week at college this really cute guy in one of my classes (but he was a senior) asked me out that Friday. We went to a movie. I remember how awesome it was just having somebody hold my hand, and I held his hand really tightly. After the movie, and stopping at a coffee house, we walked hand in hand back to his dorm. He didn’t really ask me if I wanted to go there, just assumed that I would, and I was too shy to say no.

After we were inside his room he closed and locked the door, and put on some soft music. For awhile we just talked and held hands and kissed, but then he started to undress me. I was trembling, but I didn’t say no. The feel of his hands caressing my breasts was incredible – I’d never felt anything even remotely like that. At this point I still had my panties on, but I knew that he was expecting that we were going to have sex, and I was scared to say no but also scared to do it. Finally, just as his hands slid down to my panties I got up the courage to whisper “I’m a virgin”. I was crying a little. He replied “I’ll be gentle”. That was all – he didn’t ask me if I wanted to lose my virginity or anything, but assumed that I did. That made me a little angry, but I decided that I wasn’t a girl anymore, and it had to happen sooner or later, and clearly this guy really wanted to have sex with me, and he was so handsome, so I decided there and then that this would be “the night” for me.

Before long we were both totally naked, and he had guided me to his bed in the dorm room. I was so scared. He guided my legs apart, and soon he was over me, ready to mount me. I wasn’t completely sure, but I was pretty sure that he had not put on a condom, which made me even more frightened. But he was gentle, as he had promised, and whispered sweet things to me as his penis pressed into me. It hurt incredibly, but I was brave and didn’t ask him to stop as he took my virginity.

After I wasn’t a virgin anymore he paused and just lay inside me. But then in a few minutes he was moving more deeply into me and soon we were in the rhythym of sex. It began to feel kind of good to have him deep inside me, but I didn’t come or anything close to that. After awhile I felt him tense then release, and I could feel his sperm inside me. That was pretty exciting.

We didn’t talk much as he walked me back to my dorm at about 3 am. It was really scary waiting to see if I was pregnant the next couple of weeks. I was several days late with my period, and went and got a pregnancy test, but it said I wasn’t and I wasn’t.

I see him now and then in class, but he never asked me out again. So far he is still the only guy that I have had sex with. I’m going to wait until I really love someone for my next time, and make sure that we take precautions (unless we are married – I dream sometime of getting pregnant on my honeymoon, because I really do want to have a baby, but not until I’m married). But in a funny sort of way I am proud that I had the courage to do it this first time, though. Lot’s of women go through saying no to lots of guys and waiting for the perfect guy and time. When I felt that someone wanted me, I wasn’t afraid to have sex on our first date. Actually, it was my first date with anyone. Also, I wasn’t afraid to take a chance on getting pregnant to show him how much it meant to me. I think I’ll be a good lover, because I am so giving, and hope I soon find someone who will love me.

I’m not angry with him, although my best friend says that I should be. I know that my next time will be better.

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