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first hand jobs

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: drive way
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my boyfriend (lets call him Jude) and i have been together for 9 months now. we had been pretty good at keeping it just a cool low on sexual tension relation ship. but after six months of being together we kinda got a little roudy. it started with his hands in my shirt. and then his mouth on my breasts. and that was as far as we went. a few weeks past and he decides during one of our makeout sessions to start rubbing my cooch through my jeans. (we usually park in a small community to do this stuff after my mom got on us about making out at the top of the driveway). ive never had this done to me before and the feeling couldnt have been more amazing. unfortunatly i had to be home by twelve so we had to leave and ge tme home on time. a ew nights later he came over after work and we were up in my room watching a movie and afterwards we started making out some more. he started feeling around down there againt and then asked if he could unzip my jeans. at first i told him he could but he had to stay on the outside on my panties. after a while my panties became soaked, so we slipped em off. he plundged one of his giant fingers inside of me. i had never felt anything that big. only my own fingers. any who he got me to climax somewhere in the twenty minutes and then his mom called and made him go home. it was amazing. i was so sore the next few days.
the next day he came over again and helped me cook dinner for the family. we made spaghetti. i burnt the toast. after a while we went upstairs and laid down on my couch. i started grabbing at his cock (which is also something i dont really do.) either way he loved it even though i was still rubbing it from the outside of his jeans. then we went outside and leaned against his car (i have an extended drive way so it was far from the street) and i began rubbing his shaft again. i started to get a major adrenaline rush and began tugging at the edge of his jeans. next thing i knew his giant penis was in my hands standing straight up. i had never actually seen one and it felt so smoothe!!!! we stayed out there kissing while i stroked it for about fifteen minutes and i thought he came but he didnt.. it turned out just to be lube…and then he had to go home. but either way those were our first hand jobs. the end.

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