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First in thirty five years

Age when it happend: 2003
Where it happened: Back yard
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I’m am an ole fart and she be the neighbor. I saw her over the fence tanning her tits in the sun. I walked around the corner and whispered . I see you —– she came around and said old man what U want. Just you in my dreams. Try me on for size old guy. I gave it my best but I think I needed a Viagra . Cause as hard as I could get it wasn’t enough to pop her cherry. I was mad cause I was bending in the middle and couldn’t break in to her tender virgin pussy. Well one foot from my lawn chair was my lunch a half eaten Ruben sandwhich and a pickle . I sliped my hand over and grabbed the pickle as I was playing with the virgin pussy . I pulled my old dick out and pushed the crispy Claussen pickle in. My neighbor was gritting her teeth. Just a little more old man that should do. I pushed real hard . Something my dick would never be able to do and pop went her pussy and the pickle went in and vanished up her cunt. Oh gawd she said and arched her back and she birthed the pickle right back in to my hand. Damn that hurt she said put it back in old man . So I dropped the pickle over the edge and stuffed my semi hard cock up in her . She was so tight and she was pussy hugging with a firm pussy grip. Gawd your big old man . I was not just , but she made me feel good. It had been years and years since I had a woman . But all the old tricks came back . I had the ability back in the day to make about any woman orgasm. I had a few failures but not many. I was imparting my wisdom in to the teenager along with some 78 year old cum and in 20 minutes I warned the young girl i was going to plant some baby seeds. Well she orgasmed hard right then and I followed . It was super ! This young firm perkey girl under me. I went soft and stayed in her. Shit old man that was great . Can we do it agin . I may need some time , I told her. She got up and the cum ran down her leg and a little blood with it. It’s normal I told her and I gave her the napkin that was under my silverware . See ya later and she left. Well I added it up and she was my first pussy in over thirty five years. After school let out she was back selling her little sisters girl scout cookies. She locked the door behind her and said hurry my Mom won’t miss me for another couple of hours. She pushed me in to the bed room and was on me like white on rice. For a good ten minutes my cock was harder than it had been in years . The teenager orgasmed twice then collapsed on me from fatigue. I could do this every day all day she said. When your young you do I said. I wasn’t done with her so I rolled her over and in a few I shot my wad. That what we used to say. The conversation turned to school and she told me 8 th grade was so lame . I had no idea she was so young. The next week she came over with her home work and we did it every day. I was thinking I should purchase condoms but she told me she missed her period already . I purchased a pregnancy test and the lady at the drug store gave me the look. That evening she told me my tutoring in math has her up to an A . I made her sit on the toilet and P on the tester. So here I was in my 70’s watching a pregnancy tester say positive I was going to be a father. Well how do you like the name Mom? Really she said . My mom was 13 when she had me she told me. Let’s fuck and celebrate she said. We fucked and celebrated everything. Well she is almost finished her junior year at community college . We have two months before our second child is born . So you all know I have a trust fund for all three of them so they will have something when I cick the bucket.

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