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First Lady

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: White house
Langauge: none
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My 7th grade class went on a tour of the White house and we all had to pick buddies I didn’t know who to pick so the teacher paired me. She just happened to pair me with one of the hottest guys in school his name was juilian and unlike everyone i didn’t like him. That is until about half way through the tour when I stopped to tie my shoe and when I got up he just kissed me. Then when he stopped he said “that was my first kiss” and then I said “then why did you kiss me?” He said that he had a crush on me andthen pulled me into the other room. He said he was wating for the right time and that he wanted to do “it” with me. That was when I fell for him hard. We both took off our cloths and started to fool around by him toching me and me sucking his dick. Then he stuck his dick into me and we started to really “do it”. he started to cum and then we heard a noise we looked up and there was our teacher looking down at us we ran and got our clothes got dressed and had to wait in the sec office untill the tour was over.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience