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First Orgasm

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well this wasn’t my first time having sex and it wasnt with the first guy, This was my first time having an orgasm from sex. As most of you know it was such an AMZING feeling. It was me and my friend we had fucked before but never was it this amazing. He started to rub on my leg and slowly headed for my pussy, he slowly put his fingers in me my pussy kept getting so fuckin wet he then ate me out he moved his tounge up and down and around, he then slowly licked my clit, me legs started to shake and i couldnt keep still, I had gotten an orgasmn but that wasnt it, he then pushed his dick deep inside of me and started fuckin the shit out of me. After just 10 minutes I had an orgasm and he came inside of me after I deep throated him after that he grabbed me and started fucking me again and in less than 5 minutes I had orgasmed again. it was so amzing and great, to this day we still fuck and i love and enjoy ever moment of it.
There really should be more guys like him, I can GUARANTEE he’ll make sure you cum and have the best sex you have ever had!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience