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first real sex

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: the empty house we just moved out of
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

My boyfriend of about 2 months was over, and we were making out. Things started to get pretty heated, and we decided to go further. We had to find somewhere to go because my brother was home. We drove around for a little while, looking for somewhere to do it in my car. Having no luck, we tried to think of other ideas. Then I realized my old house was practically empty, and we kept it unlocked. I parkede my car in the garage while he went inside. I wasn’t sure how far we would go, so I brought a condom with me just in case. There was one bed we hadn’t moved yet in the guest room so we went in there. We started making out and it was getting pretty hot, so clothes were taken off one piece at a time. Eventually we were both just in out underwear. (my bra had been off since before my shirt was). I was rubbing his dick while he was massaging my pussy. I suddenly stopped him and dug the condom out of my jeans. ‘Are you sure?’ He asked me. I told him I wanted to if he did. Once we got the condom on it got kinda awkward. We couldn’t get it in me at first. Eventually it stopped slipping out. Once it was in, it hurt like hell, which surprised me, because I had sex once before, but I don’t think it really counts because it was rushed and neither of us were ready. When my bf realized I was in pain, he wanted to stop and make sure I was ok, but I told him to keep going. It was still a bit awkward at first, but the pain was going away. We kept changing positions until we found one that worked for us. He couldn’t get it in unless I was on top, but we were both more bomfortable with him on top. We tried doggy style, but I wasn’t comfortable with it at all. When we stopped, we just layed naked snuggling for quite awhile. I was afraid it would be awkward because I am very self conscious, but I had never delf more comfortable and relaxed in my life. I wish I could consider that my first time, because I was actually ready, and I knew I was with the right guy.

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