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First time

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Her room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

It was about six months ago when I was travelling home on one of the old fashioned trains with compartments. I had been on my one in the front section for a while, when this school girl climbed in. At first, I didn’t think she was much. Then we got chatting, and I said something ridiculous. She took it seriously. Then I asked her what she wanted more than anything else in the world, and she said she wanted to be like her classmates. She felt ashamed, as she was 14, and the only one still a virgin. I was puzzled by her shame at this. Then the train suddenly came to a halt in the middle of nowhere. An announcement told us it would be an hour or so before we would be moving again. I asked her how she wanted to spend that hour. She asked me to kiss her. And I did! She was very sweet. Unfortunately, another announcement came, as they had rectified the fault very quickly, and so we were on our way again. But I decided not to let the opportunity slip, so I asked her what she was doing Firday evening. She explained that she had to babysit her little brother, as her parents would be out all night, and asked me to come over.
that Friday I went round to her house at about 7pm. She was still in her school uniform, and asked me in. I went inside, and we chatted until she had to put her brother (only 5) to bed after an hour. We wnt back to her sofa, and I told her she was very beautiful and very loving. I kissed her again, a long, sweet kiss. She asked me to go upstairs with her, and I did. There, in her bedroom, we stripped off, and looked at each other. Her young body wasn’t as great as many pictures I had seen, but was pretty impressive. I rubbed her on the breasts and arse, but neither of us really knew what to do. So we tried what we though was right. She lay back on her bed, and I crawled up and penetrated her. For me, it felt great. But she felt a little pain. i think it was only fear of her classmates that kept her going. That night, we tried whatever we had heard of-anal, oral, 69 to see how we felt. The actual sex wasn’t that great, that first time. But every time since, we’ve improved and refined.

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