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First Time

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: motel room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was 22 and a virgin. So was my young bride. We had both decided (after some heavy petting) to wait until our wedding night, so we did!

The wedding was an evening affair with the reception following. It was summer and we were excited about the wedding, the honeymoon trip, and our new lives together.

After what seemed an eternity but in reality was only a few hours, the reception ended, we chnaged out clothers and headed out the door amid a shower of rice (it was rice in those days).

We got in the car and headed down the road. As we were going to honeymoon in New Orleans, some 700 miles away, we obviously spend our first night in a motel along the way. It wasn’t very far along the way, I might add. Due to the lateness of the hour and my incredible horniness, We maybe got as far as 30 miles down the road.

Anyway, we checked in to a motel and went to our room. My bride excused herself and went into the bathroom. I began to disrobe. When she came out in a beautiful, see-through pajamas, I was standing in my underwear. She said, “Oh, I see you are not quite ready, yet.”

Immediately I removed my underware, standing before her for the first time in my altogher, and she said, “Yes, that’s better.” I knew this was going to be an evening to remember.

And it was! I will not desecrate its memory by describing the erotic details — and they were erotic. She was so great. She did not compalin of the obvious pain when I first entered her. We took it slow and easy, and in spite of my horniess, I was able to last long enough so she was able to get beyond the pain and actually enjoy the act. It was beautiful. It was fulfilling. It was the greatest night! We have enjoyed sex for forty years since that night, I think because, first, we waited. And second, we took it slow and easy. Our techniques may have improved over the years, but the wonderment and enjoyment of that first night will never be matched (though we have many times come close to the “enjoyment” part)!

Waiting may not work for all. But my bride and I have never regretting that decision. Sex is so great when you share it with someone you love and intend to spend your whole life with!

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