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First time

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: In his room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Wel, we’ed been going aout for about a month before we started thinking/talking about sex.
we’d often have phone sex, webcam sex, let him finger me and wank him off.
so, we went to his, (i was stopping at his for the night. both out parents knew)
and we watched movies, joked around for an hour or so.
all of a sudden we started to make out, went over to his bed, lay down.
all of a sudden he pulled me ontop of him.
we had been planning to have sex for about 4 weeks or so.
he took my top off
and striped me down to a thong, he was touching me, and started to lick me,
i was so wet im supprised i didnt dround him.
we got naked, and he put it in me.
if hurt like hell,
he kept re-assureing me it was ok, and that he loved me
and asking me ‘are you ok?’
i said yes, and let him carry on.
i hurt so bad for about 3 days because his dick was so big,
i sucked it until he came in my mouth
and fucked several times over the night
i dont regret it one bit.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience