Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
My first time, I had been dating Luke on and off or 2 years and I finally decided it was time to move to the next level. One night while sitting home during a snow storm the power went out while Luke and I where watching a move. I then decided it was time. I had condoms ready and I felt the time was just right. Luke had been wanting to have sex for a long time now he was just weighting for me so as we lay in the dark I rolled over and said I am ready, he then asked me if I was shore, I replied by ripping his clothing off. He was so excited that he then ripped my cloths off. I was so tense that it hurt a little at first and then it was amazing. I woke up the next morning feeling completely satisfied as he kissed me and told me how amazing it was. We latter broke up and no longer talk but I will never forget my first time and every time there is a snow storm I think of him and the amazing time we had together.