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First Time

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Pool
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 14 and fell in love the most amazing person. We had been dating about a year and we were spending the summer together in Las Vegas. We were in my grandmas pool when things got very heated. He pulled me ontop of his lap and started to finger me. Before I knew it he was pulling down my bathing suit bottoms and was sliding into me. I was very scared but before I knew it I was having the time of my life. Latter tht night he snuck into my room and we had sex again. The next week we returned home and he did not talk to me for the longest time, that is until I found out I was pregnat. We have been together for four years now and I have the most amazing 2 year old twins and a 1 year old. We plan on getting married soon and we are expecting another child. He is the love of my life and I am so happy to be with him.

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