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first time fun

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok.. well here it goes… it happened 04-09-2005… my mom, me , brandon( my bf), my uncle, and a co-worker of my mom’s were all upstairs cleaning it out for bulk pick up day.

about 4pm my mom took my uncle and her co-worker home which left me and brandon all lone… so i was in my room watching tv and he was looking up something online… so abotu 10 mintues later.. he comes in to my room and is like im bored. i chuckeled and said oh really. so we watched tv for a few and then i turned off he tv and turned and stared in his eyes and kissed him…

next thing i knew shirts were off and i was sitting on him ( pants still on). so we made out fro about 3 minutes and i got up and walked over to my dresser and pulled out a condom… i was like .. i think im ready… so he put it on and he gently laid me on my back and got into position.
and he gently pushed it in. i was overwhelmed with feeling…. it didnt hurt at all lik ppl said it would… it felt AMAZING. he was going in gently storkes making sure not to hurt me and .. he would ask if it was hurting me and i replied no… so he went a bit faster.

and omg i LOVED it.. so i figured he had done some work so now it was my turn… so i told him to lay down and i got on top of him…. and i slowly went up and don on it untill he asked me to go faster.. so i did … and then all of the sudden we both orgasmed at the same time..

it was amazing… so we took a break and the smae thing happened 5 more time same day… ill never forget it…..

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