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First time strap on

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: her bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Ouch! That is about all I can say. My gf Kerri is Bi and she got this strap on from her friend Jill. They use it for sexgames and are trying to get me into their thing. So Kerri say’s “hey you want to do the anal thing?” And I say no becuase I don’t want shit on my dick. And she says “no I meant with this?” and she holds out this strap on dildo. Then she says “Its either this and a blow job or nothing” So I says ok. She straps this dildo and wipes valsoine all over my ass and starts pushing on my ass. I start screaming and she says “take it like a bitch” and rams this thing up my ass. Ouch! It hurts like hell and she takes a school book and bashes on my head “shut the hell up bitch!” She turns on the power and the dildo starts vibrating in my ass but I only feel pain. The vibrator starts to turn her on and she decides she wants to fuck so she yanks the thing out of my ass. Ouch! Now the thing is covered with shit. At least she doesn’t make me suck the shit off. Now I don’t have a hard on, and she wants the dildo anyway so I strap it on and fuck her with the dildo. She has a O and I tell her there is no way I will ever try the gay shit with her friend because my ass feels like somebody shoved a baseball bat up my ass. I was sore for days and Kerri is getting tired of straight sex so I’m writing this in revenge because she only gives me blow jobs anymore.

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