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First Time With A Stranger

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: Gal's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It happened last year when I was a Senior in college. I was home on Summer vacation, and was out walking our family dog. When I started out, it was quite nice, but after about a half hour, the sky darkened and it looked like rain. About this same time, I came across this beautiful gal, in her late twenties or early thirties, who was walking her dog, and we struck up a brief conversation. We had only time to say a few words, when it started to pour, and we were getting soaked. I was nearly a mile from home, but she told me she only lived about a couple of blocks away from where we were, so we ran to her house. The garage door was open and we went inside with the dogs. She suggested we tie up the dogs in the garage and go inside to dry out. It was still raining cats and dogs, and we were both soaked to the skin. I followed her into the kitchen, where we were dripping water all over. She told me to wait, and then came back with a bath towel and what was obviously man’s bathrobe, which she said I could put on while I got out of my clothes in a nearby washroon. In two or three minutes I had dried myself off and was back in the kitchen in this robe, which was a little small for me, and she said she’d put my shorts and T-shirt in the dryer in the utility room. She was also wearing shorts and a T-shirt and I could tell she had no bra on because her wet T-shirt was plastered to her chest and I could see the outline of her beautiful breasts and nipples. She took my shorts and shirt and went into the utility room and From the kitchen I could see her getting out of her shorts and shirts (God! What a body she had!) and then she put on a robe and put our clothes in her clothes dryer. She came back into the kitchen and asked me if I’d like slomething to drink while the clothes dried.Having seen her nude out in the utility room — even though briefly — I had a good sized hard on by now, and it was pretty obvious through this undersized robe I was wearing. We both sat in the kitchen and had a beer, and she finally said, referring to the bulge beneath my robe, “It looks like you’re having alittle problem there.” I told her that it was no problem, just a natural reaction. Well, one thing led to another, and after finishing our liquid refreshment, she led me into her bedroom, and took off her robe. I promptly took mine off as well, and we laid down on her bed and fucked for the rest of the afternoon.I still didn’t know her name, but we did just about every position that we knew and she kept begging me not to stop.

I never ran into her again, and I don’t know if she was married or what, but I will always remember that rainy afternoon last Summer

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