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First with an Uncircumcised

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

Don’t really know why, but nearly all my friends were circumcised. I was naturally curious why I had not been circumcised, especially since my dad, his brothers and every other male I knew, had been as well. The only explaination I ever got, was that I was born, in a terrific snow storm at home, and never went to the hospital to get cut.

On one hand, I liked the fact that that I was different. I had a complete foreskin which completely covered my head, when soft, but easily rolled back whenever I got a hard-on.

During elementary school, I learned from other boys, the joys of jacking off and anxiously awaited puberty. In addition to being uncircumcised, I was a little larger than normal passing 7.75″ by 1.75″ at age 13 and my dick always pointed straight upwards (like a banana).

Sammy, my best friend, and I had slept together during our summer vacations. Although we had matured identically, he was smaller than I. Going to bed in our tight briefs, we both were both rigid, giggling about our rods. As usual, we got our “peters” out and began stroking them. During the year long separation, we had both “come” many times, and began playing with ourselves. It wasn’t long before we began stroking each other, with Sam taking the lead and rolling my lengthly foreskin back-and-forth over my head.

I watched while he slide his hand up and down my thick length and played with my balls, knowing what was to come (pardon the pun). I eventually slid out of bed and stood beside it while he continued. Needless to say, it took less than a minute for me to squirt my “jissum.”

Sammy gasped when I let loose with a volley of white, creamy
shots that flew across my 15-foot wide bedroom, splattered the mirrored wall. Sam was awe-struck when he saw me squirt so much …and so far! I had never seen anyone else “come” so I had no experience. I had gotten into the habit of “coming” two or three times in a row .. and encouraged Sam to keep playing with me. He eventually “jacked-me-off” three times in a row, before he allow me to play with him. I was a little disappointed! He shot one-time and was done, barely dribbling his load on the floor.

As time passed, I learned that I could easily out-shoot and out-squirt anyone. In our school, one older, circumcised boy, was anywhere close to my size or shooting ability.

In comparison, I don’t feel any different about my uncircumcised penis. I’ve heard some circumcised boys say they wish they hadn’t been cut because of their lack of feeling (sensitivity) on their heads.

Later, when I began having sex, I learned that girls liked
my being able to “slide” my cock into them by having my long (sleeve-like) foreskin. Those with some experience said that they really liked doing it with me, since it slipped in nicely … without nearly as much pain.

PS My wife really enjoys my uncut penis, and we made certain that our three sons were untouched. Perhaps it is a good idea, to eliminate this age-old custom uniquely inflicted on America’s sons.

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