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football stadium

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: football stadium
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

It happened during my junior year in college. I had already completed two years of study at a local community college in mid-Michigan, and decided to transfer to the University of Michigan for my final two years, and also to possibly go to medical school there. I had fooled around with a few girls in high school and also at Jr. College, but had never quite made a “home run” in the sex department. There had been lots of great make-out session and hand jobs with coeds in my home town. Even several great BJs, but no actual intercourse.

Two of the things that the U. of M. is noted for is football frenzy on Saturday afternoons and lots of uninhibited sex — just about anywhere on campus. It was not long after I arrived in Ann Arbor that I saw an actual coupling in the stacks at the big library on campus, and twice i had witnessed some serious fucking going on in the back of the campus store in the basement of the Union, when things weren’t too busy with customers.

I had decided not to stay in one of the University dormitories, although they are now coed dorms and have been for a number of years. I opted for a very nice rooming house about midway between the main campus and “The Big House” as everyone calls the Michigan football stadium.

There were about a dozen students staying in this rooming house, and the make-uop of the residents there was quite cosmopolitan. There were Caucasians like myself, several African Americans of both sexes, a couple of fellows from China, one gal from India, and not long after I moved in, I soon met this beatiful Japanese girl.

Our first meeting was in early September, in the common wash room aadjacent to the shower rooms used by all the residents. There were separate bathrooms for the men and women, and separate shower stalls and changing rooms, but we all shared this large wash room with a half dozen sinks and mirrors, which we used for shaving, brushing our teeth, putting on make-up etc. It was about 7:00 A.M. and I was in the middle of shaving, with shaving cream all over my face, when I noticed this Asian gal come in and take her place a couple of sinks down from where I was. After a couple of minutes, I said “Hi” and introduced myself. She said “Hi” as well, and told me that she was from Yokohama, where she, too had been attending a local community college.I was pleasantly surprised that she spoke excellent English, with very little accent of any kind. She was very attractive — about 5′ 6″ tall, with lovely almond colored skin, which had been enhanced with a nice tan.

She was wearing a pair of form fitting, navy blue jeans, and a bright yellow T-shirt, which showed off her firm breasts very nicely. They were not large, probably 32B or 34B,but nicely formed, and it was not long before I could feel my penis taking on a little firmer texture as I looked at her. Now, the University’s colors are Maize and Blue, and I thought to myself that she looked very much like she had already become a die-hard Michigan fan, wearing those official colors. I told her that my name was Ron and she told me that her name was Fukiko. I asked her if it was O.K.if I called her “Fuki” for short, and she said, “Sure.”

I continued shaving, standing there in my boxer shorts, when, to my amazement, she proceeded to take off her T-shirt and hang it on a nearby hanger. She had no bra on, and I was soon glancing at those lovely, perfectly formed breasts, with perfectly erect nipples. She didn’t seem to think anything of the fact that I was standing only a few feet away, and she proceeded to take a wash cloth and wash her upper body right there at the sink. I could scarecely believe my eyes. When she was finished, she put her T-shirt back on, and then proceeded to brush her teeth, and finally to apply a little makeup, before leaving. I guess I was sort of standing there with my mouth open a bit savoring what I had seen, so before leaving, she asked me if what she had done seemed unusual to me. When I said, “Kinda unusual,” she explained to me that in Japan, cleanliness is very important, and that in Japan, very few homes were equipped with showers like in the U.S., so every morning they wash the upper parts of their bodies,preparing to go to work or to school, and in the evenings, they wash their entire bodies by soaping up and rinsing off in their hot tub rooms, where they have these very deep and very hot bathtubs in which to sit and relax. Thaty was Lesson No. 1 in Japanese culture.

Over the next couple of weeks, I was privileged to witness this ritual each morning. Usually we were alone in the wash room at that time of morning, but once the Indian girl was there also, and she didn’t seem to take much notice.

Fuki’s room was only two doors down from my room, and over these opening weeks of school, we got to know each other quite well.She was very friendly, and we seemed to hit it off quite well. We’d go out for lunch, sometimes, together, and evenings we would occasionaly go to a local Japanese restaurant and bar nearby, where we’d have a beer or two, and she taught me how to eat sushi and a few other delicacies they served there. It was there I learned to drink Japanese beer, Asahi and Kirin, which was really quite good. And a bit stronger than American beer. I also developed a taste for sake’ — a Japanese rice wine — that is served piping hot and gets into the blood stream very fast, and is quite intoxicating.

Toward the end of September, I asked Fuki if she’d like to attend a football game with me. The Wolverines were playing their arch rivals, Michigan State (The “Spartans), and it was always a great game to see. Everyone would be decked out in their various Maize and Blue pants, shirts, caps, and other regalia and it was really a fun time, marching over to the stadium, where over 100,000 fans went through the Saturday afternoon ritual of cheering the Wolverines on to victory.She said yes. She had not seen an American football game yet, and was eager to find out what it was all about.

Some of the fansin Ann Arbor are so enthusiastic that, on a nice warm day, the guys would actually paint the upper torsos of their bodies and faces, half maize and half blue. It was a kind of “paint” that was easily washed off after the game.Some of them even died their hair maize and blue. That may seem hard to believe, but it is true.

On this particular Saturday, it was very hot — over 85 degrees, and that morning I decided, on a lark, to also go to the game with a painted body and face. I had never done it before, but I sort of got caught up in the spirit of things. I couldn’t really do a good job of applying the “paint” by myself, so I wandered down to Fuki’s room and asked her if she would help me apply it. She thought it was a bit crazy, but she agreed to do it, and soon she was brushing this maize and blue “paint” all over my body: Right side maize; left side blue. Since I didn’t want to get any of the paint on my clothing before it dried, I just sat on a stool in her room, in my boxer shorts, while she worked on the application.Since I had seen her upper torso many times in the washroom, and she had seen mine, there really was nothing to be embarrassed about.

When she was finished, there was still quite a bit of paint left, and so, somewhat teasingly, I asked her if she would like me to paint her upper body in the same fashion? She laughed at the suggestion and said that while it was O.K. for us boys (men) to go to the stadium just dressed in shorts and bare, painted upper torsos, certainly girls or women couldn’t do so or they’d be arrested. I kept easing her and asking if I could do it, telling her that she could cover up with a T-shirt and no one would ever know the difference. I really wanted to see her body and breasts covered with maize and blue, like mine. It took a lot of convincing, but finally she relented, took off her T-shirt (again no bra) and I began painting the official colors of “Michigan” on that gorgeous torso. Soon the left side of her body was glowing bright maize and the right side of her body was a gorgeous blue! She then put on her T-shirt again and we headed out to Michigan stadium.

It was a gorgeous day, as I said, with temperatures in the mid 80s. We were seated high up in the student section, surrounded by hundreds of thousands screaming Wolverine fans. Although the stadium seats well over 100,000 people,there is not a lot of room, and all of us were seated very close to each other. Fuki and I had been unable to get seats right next to each other, but we did manage to find tickets where she was in the row in front of me, so I sat directly in back of her. Michigan had a great team that year, and they did well that afternoon,scoring 7 touchdowns to State’s two. And everytime we scored, of course, we all stood up and cheered as loudly as possible There were several of us guys in that section that were painted maize and blue, and we were the center of atteraction with our bare torsos and official colors gleaming in the sunshine.

I kept my attention on Fuki during the game, however, explaining things to her as the game proceeded along.Since she was seated directly in front of me, I could easliy massage her shoulders through the T-shirt, and a couple of times, when everyone was standing up and cheering, I reached around from behind with my hands, and got under her T-shirt, giving her breasts anice massage. In the excitement she didn’t seem to mind, and neither did anyone else around us.

When the final touchdown of the afternoon was scored, and everyone was standing and cheering, I reached down, on impulse, and pulled Fuki’s T-shirt up over her breasts, exposing the entire upper part of her body, and everyone in our area got a great look at her maize and blue torso and breasts. They gave out a few whistles and cheers, and then wee started out to leave the stadium.

Going down the stadium steps, Fuki was right ahead of me, and I had my hands around her waist,guiding her down, every once in awhile giving her breasts a good feel with my hands. I was so happy with the outcome of the game and I seemed to lose all inhibition. Again, she didn’t seem to mind it, and those around us were not paying a lot of attention.

It was late afternoon by the time everyone was leaving the game and heading to their cars, and so we just kind of lingered around, had a hot dog and coke, and then, out of the clear blue sky, Fuki suggested “Let’s wait until everyone leaves. I’d like to see the stadium when it’s empty and quiet.”

To make a long story a little shorter, we did wait until virtually eveyone else had gone, and we then wandered back into that huge stadium, and just stood there, looking down at the field which was now completely empty except for the football turf. Then we sat down on one of the benches, until it gradually got darker and darker, and things were absolutely quiet. Slowly, but surely we made our way down onto the field in the darkened stadium. We walkled hand in hand, pausing several times to embrace and kiss. She may have been Japanese, but she cure had learned how to french kiss from someone, and I was in absolute heaven. My love muscle was becoming very, very, hard the more she thrust that tongue into my mouth.

When we reached the stadium floor,we just sat down on the turf. It was still very warm, and finally without saying anything, Fuki took off her T-shirt, once again revealing that beautiful maize and blue body and gorgeous breasts. By this time, the maize and blue shorts I was wearing had an amazing tent forming, as my penis got harder and harder.

Then we laid down on the turf, and there was nothing but sky and stars above us, and a full moon. She then asked me if I had ever had sex before. I told her I had not, except with myself, and she told me she had not either. “Would you please do me the honor of fucking me, Don?” she said. I couldn’t believe my ears! But, I instantly took off my shorts. I had worn no underwear that afternoon,so I was completely naked, and my penis was standing at firm attention. I then quickly took off her shorts and found that she was not wearing any panties either! All there was was this beautiful vagina, surrounded by a small bush, which to my surprise had also been painted maize and blue!

Before proceeding to the main event, she took my cock in her hand and began massaging it slowly. Then she bent over, on her knees and placed her mouth over it and began sucking on it until I was in absolue heaven. I could feel that I was going to come, but wanted desperately to unlead my semen inside her, through that maize and blue colored tunnel, and so I asked her to please stop, and lie down again. She did so, and a few seconds later, I was penetrating her with firm thrusts. She was very nice and tight, but well lublicated. It didn’t seem like she was a virgin, but since she told me she was,I took her at her word. We just seemed to fit together so naturally, and never once did she complain of any pain. She kept thrusting up into my body, and saying, “Don, please don’t stop; please don’t stop. It feels so good.”

It sure did feel good to me, and we must have fucked there for an hour or more.First in a missionary position, then, doggie style, and in several other positions. I was absolutely satiated when we were done.

We had somewhat of a difficult time getting out of the stadium that evening, because everything was locked up, but we finally managed to scale one of the lower fences and get out. We walked back tothe rooming house with my arm around Fuki, fondling her right breast as we walked. She loved it.

When we got back to the rooming house, we showered together and all of that maize and blue paint soon went down the drain beneath that warm water pouring over our bodies. Before we finished, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me, and we fucked as I braced myself against the marble wall of the shower stall. She had become a real sex kitten. It was absolutely wonderful.

We slept together in her room that night, as we did many nights thereafter for the next two years, enjoying each others bodies to the fullest. So that she would not get pregnant she got herself on the contraceptive pill, and we had no worries after that. I filled her with my cum at every available opportunity, and she enjoyed it to the fullest.

Fuki went back to Japan after we graduated, and I went on to med School at Michigan, where I had some wonderful experiences with the ladies of the med school. But that is another story.

I will never, never, forget, however, that first touchdown I scored in Michigan stadium that night under the stars.It was absolutely the best fuck I ever had, and it was my firstr and hers too (I think).

Hail to the Victors! GO BLUE!

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