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Forbidden Sex with Father Tim

Age when it happend: 28
Where it happened: Church Office
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

I was having some problems in my marriage, and so I went to see Father Tim for counseling. He and I had grown up together, in the same neighborhood, and after he was ordained, by sheer chance he was assigned to our parish. Since I had known him from the time we were kids together, I felt I could confide anything with him. Well,one thing led to another and during our third session together, I found myself throwing myself at him, and in a weak moment, he responded to my seduction. We had sex in his office on his couch. It was the first time for him, and I just loved being the woman who first gave him pleasure. It happened twice after that, and then we both came to our senses and it never happened again. I still attend Sunday Mass and every time I see him I think of what we did. I know we have been forgiven, but it’s difficult to get it out of my mind. It was some of the best sex I’ve ever had.

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