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Forced the first time

Age when it happend: 48
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first gay encounter was a shocking scary experience that turned extremely erotic and sensual . Let me begin the story…
When I’m horny I love to masterbate rather than seek a hooker or sex partner.. Unfortunately it is the only way I’m sure to get off right. Don’t ask me why but it’s been that way for sometime now. I’m forty eight ,live alone and consider myself straight (don’t know about now ) however I am fascinated with gay anal sex, particularly transexual. I have a lengthy collection of movies with them getting fucked anally and I’ve spliced a few compilations of trannies  cumming while being fucked. Highly erotic for me.
I lately have become adventurous and purchased and small vibrator. Its call the ‘anal intruder’. It’s  small and with enough lube I slide it into my asshole with only three or four gentle pushes. The feeling is amazing when I flip the on switch and starts vibrating my prostate. If I have on a tranny flick, and my legs propped up, I come hard and fast.  Sometimes two or three times if I’m horny enough.
Anyway , the other day I was beginning my ritual .I was lubed and had one of my favorite tranny flicks in. I have a wide screen tv in my bedroom but for whatever reason I like the living room best for fucking myself. I can lay on my big sofa and put my legs up and reach my ass easily while stroking myself. I was fastly approaching a monster size orgasm when there was an urgent knock on my door .
I live in a high rise apartment building in new York city where you have to be buzzed in, so naturally I thought it was one of my neighbors. I ran to the door quickly but just as quick realized i  was naked, had a vibrator in my ass and was dripping lubricant! I ran to my bedroom to grab my robe and I ran back into the living room and almost had a heart attack when I saw a man standing in my living room!!!
I must have inadvertently hit the lock latch when I rushed to the door prematurely . I was so scared , I couldn’t speak. Now, I’m not a small man (201 lbs 6 ft) but I’m no fighter. I work as an accountant and love video games so I don’t get much exercise but I do run(which I wanted to do at this juncture )
The man was tall, six feet two I’m guessing , white , lanky build, glasses and wearing overalls. He looked like he was at work or on lunch break  (it was 12 noon on a Tuesday). We just stared at one another for an eerie moment. I knew he was going to kill me or something horrible like that. I couldn’t think nor could I move!!! I was literally frozen with fear. I’ve never been that petrified in my life. Even now writing this , that feeling is returning .

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience