Where it happened: her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Ok well teenagers are basically really horny and i never was one to care about sex and could control my hormones. My girl which is now my ex wanted to have sex with me because we were still together and all. So we go to her room and she takes off her clothes. I get scared because it was my first time and im body concious. Well she says just do it and so i do. And then we lay next to each other. She gives me oral and i return the favor. She said she was paralyzed with pleasure. Then it came to sticking it in. I got on top and she stuck it in. she moaned and then we fucked. i went further and further in utnil she wrapped her legs around my waist and wouldnt let me leave. We fucked like animals the whole week and she moaned to loud. She had braces but gave oral very nicely and swallowed. It was a great first time and she had big tits. she made me grab them and i did and we continued to fuck like animals.